Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Bath

Ramona's umbilical cord fell off today. We aren't sure where it went, but Nick was changing her diaper when he noticed it was gone. We also got our stats on her cord blood collection at birth. They look for a cell count in the 100 millions as a good sample. Ramona's collection is 1.1 billion! It's nice to know we have a good collect in case we need it.

Ramona had her first bath today! I was a little nervous about giving it to her since she's so small and fragile to me. I knew it needed to get done especially since her diaper rash is extremely terrible. She didn't do too bad. We didn't use soap because Nick read somewhere you should wait until they are 2 weeks old to use any products. We wrapped her body up and let her little bottom air dry for a while before putting a diaper back on her. She poops all the time which is why it's so difficult to keep her bottom dry. She was pretty content for a while being wrapped and warm with a naked butt! We couldn't stop staring at her and laughing at every face she made! She's just so precious we can't get over it.

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