Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our Princess

I just thought I would post a picture of Ramona in her really cute princess hooded towel. I have been thinking about how much our life has changed lately. About a year ago when we moved into our new project I mean house, Nick and I went to home depot to get keys made. I jokingly asked him if I could get the key that said princess. He rolled his eyes. I said very sarcastically well don't you think I'm a princess. He said no you are not if you have any doubt about it then I should go look up princess in the dictionary. The guy who worked at home depot overheard our conversation and told Nick that he had the wrong answer. We laughed about it and bought normal keys instead. (Honestly I would never carry a princess key anyway, but I love the opportunity to playfully annoy Nick.) Funny thing is here we are a year later gushing over Ramona calling her the little princess.

To that I say well technically one definition of princess is "a women considered to have qualities or characteristics of a princess," so Ramona mets that standard. She is also the daughter of the King. I am contemplating submitting an alternate definition to Webster to expand the word princess to also include daughters of CEOs. Then we just need to hold our breath that Nick makes it there one day!

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